Our Objections
Application Reference:
0191/25/CLELand at SX 773 357, East Prawle, TQ7 2BX
Certificate of lawfulness for existing lean-to structure as an extension to the existing agricultural barn
Parish: Chivelstone; Content tags: Planning, AONB, Undeveloped Coast
Application Reference:
3861/24/HHOHigher Manor Bungalow, Ringmore, TQ7 4HJ
Householder application for alterations & extensions to dwelling & construction of new detached garage (part retrospective)
Parish: Ringmore; Content tags: Planning, AONB, Undeveloped Coast
Application Reference:
3893/24/CCNLand at Deerbridge, Slapton, TQ7 2QD
Caravan Club Notification of proposed exempted campsite to accommodate five caravans/campervan pitches and five tent pitches on site for the use of club members
Parish: Slapton; Content tags: Planning, AONB, SSSI
Application Reference:
3673/24/NAULand at SX 773 357, East Prawle, TQ7 2BX
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use under Class R of agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use for Class E (Commercial,... Read more
Parish: Chivelstone; Content tags: Planning, AONB, Undeveloped Coast
Application Reference:
4185/19/OPALand at Woolwell, PL6 7DA
Readvertisement: (revised plans) Outline application for provision ofup to 1,640 new dwellings; up to 1,200 sqm of commercial, retail and community floorspace (A1-A5, D1 and D2... Read more
Parish: Woolwell; Content tags: Planning
Application Reference:
0006/24/HHOBar Lodge, Sharpitor, Salcombe, TQ8 8LW
Householder application for proposed two storey extension and new "gablet" to front
Parish: Salcombe; Content tags: Planning, AONB, Undeveloped Coast