Membership Matters
As we reported in our July 2023 Newsletter, a copy of which can be found on this website, the target set in the Joint Local Plan for the number of new dwellings that need to be built in the South Hams in the 20 years between 2014 and 2034, other than in Sherford and Woolwell, has already been exceeded.
And there are already sufficient planning consents in place that, by 2034, that original target will have been met twice over.
Yet still developers are competing to continue to concrete over our countryside.
But it’s not more overpriced three, four and five bedroomed executive style houses we require, the vast majority of which will be purchased by incomers looking to retire or as second homes or holiday lets. Instead what is needed are genuinely affordable homes for those who already live and work here.
You can read the evidence as to how the Society campaigns tirelessly to protect the natural and built environment of the South Hams from inappropriate development, and how we work to support necessary development in suitable and sustainable locations.
It is, sadly, a never ending struggle. And we need your help!
We are always looking for those who wish to become actively involved but, even if you can’t spare the time or don’t feel you have the necessary expertise (which is unlikely, given the very many ways in which we could use assistance), just adding you name to our number is important.
The more of us there are, the more seriously politicians, councillors and the local authority will take our views in to consideration.
Individual membership costs less than 20p a week – family membership less than 30p. It’s a very small price to pay to help preserve the South Hams as a beautiful place to both live and work, both now and in to the distant future.
Please take the time to download our Membership Application form, print it, and fill it in today. Having done so, and if you elect to pay by standing order, you can simply scan the form and email it back to us. Alternatively, you can post it back to us, together with your remittance.
We very much look forward to your being with us.