
In this issue: we return again to the subject of the Freeport and the number of new jobs it will supposedly create; we also look once more at the Devolution Deal and the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority that it will bring in to being in the light of manifesto commitments made by the likely next government; we question whether Parish Profiles can offer a better guide to housing need than the housing needs surveys compiled for Neighbourhood Plans; we consider more enforcement issues; provide updates on various planning applications; report on the progress of four planning appeals; wonder whether rewilding could provide a better means of controlling deer and squirrel numbers; look back at the coming of the second Kingsbridge supermarket; and publish details of the shows and events the Society will be attending this summer.

In this issue: we look at why the five year review of our Joint local Plan has been delayed; the threat the proposed Combined County Authority poses to local control over planning matters; why and where 'enforcement needs to be enforced'; the latest published sewage spills data and our ‘Bottom 30’ worst polluting locations; changing priorities in protected landscapes; Permitted Development Consultation outcome; and Planning issues including the proposed Baltic Wharf development

In this issue: we report on South West Water's scandalous proposed standalone scheme to reduce the risk of sewer flooding in the lower part of Kingsbridge town; we worry about rumoured changes to Permitted Development Rights in protected landscapes; we still have Freeport concerns; examine the ecological and environmental importance of the South Hams saltmarshes; look at problems with enforcement; wonder why we can't be told whether planning officers have made site visits; reveal a conflict that has arisen between a Planning Inspector and South Hams District Council in their reading and interpretation of the General Permitted Development Orders; along with much more.
