Smalls, East Portlemouth

Smalls, East Portlemouth

Proposed carbon neutral boat house to serve Smalls Cottage
The proposed boat house will be located on the foreshore beneath Smalls Cottage

The Society is far from alone in objecting to this application to construct a ‘carbon neutral boat house to serve Smalls Cottage’ on the shoreline at Smalls Cove.

In many respects the proposal is very similar to the previously withdrawn ‘Application for carbon neutral boat house with living area above for occasional overnight stays’ (1068/23/FUL), the main differences being some height reduction in both the boat store and the first floor but as Salcombe Town Council pointed out:

the building is clearly designed for an extra infill floor to be retro fitted at a later date

to provide living accommodation.

Both East Portlemouth Parish Council and Salcombe Town Council echoed our point that the proposed development would significantly and adversely impact the undeveloped area of Smalls Cove and which, as Natural England explained, could:

damage or destroy the interest features for which Salcombe to Kingsbridge Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest has been notified.

In addition, and as the Marine Management Organisation explained:

Works activities taking place below the mean high water mark may require a marine licence in accordance with the Marine and Coastal Access Act (MCAA) 2009


a wildlife licence is also required for activities that that would affect a UK or European protected marine species.

The site is located 35 metres from the Salcombe Kingsbridge SSSI and lies within the SSSI Impact Risk Zones.

It is hard to see how this application can be approved.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, it has since been withdrawn.