Smalls, East Portlemouth

Smalls, East Portlemouth

Application for carbon neutral boat house with living area above for occasional overnight stays
Trees are being lost to help clear the site for this proposed development

According to the applicant’s submitted Planning Statement: ‘The Design and Access Statement explains the site context and how this has informed the design of the present proposal to site a boat house with ancillary accommodation to ‘Smalls Cottage’ on part of the domestic curtilage to the dwelling fronting the privately owned foreshore known as ‘Small’s Cove’.’

But significantly, and as we explain in our objection, the proposed site cannot be considered part of the curtilage of Smalls Cottage. The site is also immediately adjacent to the Salcombe/Kingsbridge Estuary SSSI site with the development proposal including a sewage package treatment plant, arguably in conflict with rule 18 of the General Binding Rules for small sewage discharges to the ground. Trees subject to TPO1038 W1 have already been removed, while there are a number of policies guiding residential development away from a foreshore location such as this.

In our view it should be obvious that it is unacceptable to have a dwelling on top of a boat store, introducing domestic living where there is none. It will also introduce light pollution into an area that has none. It introduces cars and car parking into a landscape that has none. It introduces sewage package plants into an area where there are none.

The application, we argue, should be refused. It has since been withdrawn.