Land at SX 773 357 East Prawle

Land at SX 773 357 East Prawle

Conversion of barn to dwelling
Google Street View image of the south elevation of the barn beside the narrow lane

According to the applicants the barn, apart from the roof 'was reinstated in the later part of 20th century', remains largely as it was originally.

Arguably this understates the reality, with the walls having been noticeably raised with new stone work and a new roof between 2002 and 2006. A series of new stone pillars have also been created along the top of the southern wall.

In our opinion the barn lacks suitable access to the highway, which itself is a narrow access lane that has also to cater for the significant level of unauthorised campsites along the way. The route is challenging and not only for pedestrians. It is necessary to reverse for considerable distances when two vehicles meet.

As we state in our objection, if approved this development will be damaging to the heritage coast landscape, the South Devon National Landscape, the historical environment, the dark skies, and further add to the erosion of tranquillity and footpath user experience and should be refused.

In her report the Case Officer wrote:

The proposal would result in the creation of a single open-market dwelling house in an unsustainable isolated rural coastal location devoid of services and facilities and poorly served by sustainable transport options, heavily reliant on the use of a private car. There is no evidence that the proposal requires a coastal location and no exceptional circumstances to justify the proposal in this isolated location.

She recommended refusal. However, because two pre-application submissions had offered some support for the principle of the proposed development, the Council's Head of Development Management asked that the application should be considered by the Development Management Committee.

But, the day before the DMC was due to meet, the application was withdrawn.