Land At SX 755 380, East Portlemouth

Last year the Society objected to an earlier application to determine whether prior approval was required for an agricultural storage building on this site. In our view the total area of the development would be in excess of 1,800m2, and we were therefore of the opinion it failed to comply with the description of permitted development as set out by Schedule 2, Part 6, Class A of the GPDO.
However the case officer disagreed, and you can read our objection to that application (0502/23/AGR) and his reasoning here.
Now a further application has been submitted for a new access. But that, we believe, has to be seen as part of the previously advertised development, with this latest application further calling the previous decision in to question.
We argue that to now require the site owner to submit a planning application for access at the very same location as the AGR application can only mean that the previous application was incorrectly assessed and the development of the agricultural building cannot now be permitted development by virtue of Part 6 A.1 (h).
On 22 May the application was withdrawn, but no doubt a further application will follow.