Land to the South side of Derby Road, Kingsbridge

Land to the South side of Derby Road, Kingsbridge

Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 6 (Tree Protection scheme), 9 (parking details), 10 (access road and highway) and 11 (access road through site) of planning permission 28/1560/15/O (Appeal Reference APP/ K1128/W/16/3156062)
The impact on the footpath where crossed by construction traffic after development commenced © Colin Sutton

The Society has long been opposed to the Lock's Hill development on this previously unspoilt greenfield site in Kingsbridge. In this instance we submitted a letter of representation to express our concerns regarding the future of the Public Right of Way Footpath Number 6 running across the site.

As we pointed out, throughout the public consultations for planning application 28/1560/15/O and the subsequent appeal, the future of the Public Right of Way was never in question. Indeed, a Non Material Minor Amendment to outline application 28/1560/15/O confirmed the footpath would remain and have a minimum width of 2.0 Metres.

Now the applicant's agent was suggesting 'the applicant has advised that they will maintain access to the PRoW at all times during construction and are planning to apply for it to be Stopped Up in due course, as its gradient and surface are unsafe for the majority of the public.

In concluding the discharge of conditions were not approved the LPA noted 'In respect of Condition Number 11, the local planning authority and DCC Highways do not consider the details received by ourselves... acceptable because the applicant has failed to provide sufficient information to allow the condition to be discharged. Drawings also do not follow the approved site layout drawings under 3377/20/NMM or 0826/20/ARM.'