Hendham View, Woodleigh

Hendham View, Woodleigh

Prior Approval Application for provision of Agricultural tracks following application 2385/22/AGR
One of the tracks which work had already begun

This was the third attempt to obtain consent for this proposal. The first, namely 2217/22/AGR, was withdrawn. Our objection can be read here. The second, 2385/22/AGR, our objection to which can also be read here, was refused. While this third application was invalid, we argued, given that development had already commenced, which meant the Prior Approval process was not available to the applicant.

The advice on the government's planning portal Prior Approval information page was categoric – ‘Work must not commence on the development until the Local Planning Authority has issued its determination’.

We submitted an update to this first letter of representation less than a fortnight later, drawing officer attention to a planning appeal dismissal for a planning application previously refused by the North Hertfordshire District Council. That made to clear that contrary to the conclusion reached by the case officer when determining 2385/22/AGR the provision of farm track/s were indeed part of any 1,000 square metre limitation of the GPDO.

Attaching our earlier correspondence we asked that a review of the LPA’s decisions previously taken should be undertaken.

In March the following year officers informed the applicant that planning permission for the tracks would now be required. You can read that letter by clicking on the 'Decision Notice' link.