Harbour Watch, East Portlemouth

Harbour Watch, East Portlemouth

Householder application for partial demolition, rebuild & extension of existing dwelling, construction of new boatstore & slipway, new swimming pool, new stone retaining wall to replace existing substandard tyre boundary sea defence, with associated driveway/car parking & landscape enhancements
The proposed boat house and slipway extending out onto the Salcombe Kingsbridge SSSI foreshore

This is far from the first application at this property that the Society believes would, if permitted, have a detrimental impact on the appearance of the shoreline. Our responses to two previous application can be found here and here.

In this instance we have first asked for clarification as to whether the use of a householder application is the correct process by which this application should be determined. We have done so because the proposal includes a boat house and slipway that extend out onto the Salcombe Kingsbridge SSSI foreshore. Because this would fall outside the garden curtilage we think their inclusion would exceed that which is permitted within the scope of this type of planning application.