Harbour Watch, East Portlemouth

This is far from the first application at this property that the Society believes would, if permitted, have a detrimental impact on the appearance of the shoreline. Our responses to two previous application can be found here and here.
In this instance we have first asked for clarification as to whether the use of a householder application is the correct process by which this application should be determined. We have done so because the proposal includes a boat house and slipway that extend out onto the Salcombe Kingsbridge SSSI foreshore. Because this would fall outside the garden curtilage we think their inclusion would exceed that which is permitted within the scope of this type of planning application.
However, with no response received and with the consultation scheduled to end on 9 May the Society submitted a second letter of representation detailing our concerns about the proposed changes to this house and the overdevelopment of this small promontory within the estuary.
We feared the new pool and hard landscape adjacent to the estuary bank and boathouse would compromise growing conditions along the estuary foreshore, threatening the stability and integrity of the natural foreshore of the Salcombe to Kingsbridge Estuary SSSI. We also noted the foreshore from East Portlemouth South Pool to Mill Bay Sands has seen considerable damage from development failing to give due consideration to the fragile road alongside the estuary and, were this application to be approved, further damage could yet occur.
With the case officer subsequently advising us that she was of the opinion that a householder application was indeed the correct process the Society then submitted a third letter of representation, detailing our concerns with the applicant's proposed Garden Management Plan.
However, in approving the application, the case officer only referred to two of our letters of representation in her report. Our submission with respect to the applicant's proposed Garden Management Plan was ignored. Our other concerns were also dismissed, as were those of the other objectors and the parish council.
The damage that is being done to the East Portlemouth shoreline by this and various previous developments in the area is significant. To quote Joni Mitchell: 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone'.