Harbour Watch, East Portlemouth

Replying to the officer response to the pre-application document in our objection, we noted that the Case Officer has already expressed concerns as to the scale of the building, landscape impact, trees, housing imbalance and how the proposals sought to reduce carbon emissions.
Agreeing on all points we went on to emphasise that the trees, both on site and adjacent to it, provide high en masse amenity value in a sensitive estuarine location and had to be retained in order to preserve the aesthetic special qualities of the waterfront landscape.
In our opinion the proposal represented overdevelopment of the site and failed to comply with the key policy objective of maintaining and enhancing the unique landscape and seascape character of the Undeveloped Coast and AONB.
Recommending refusal the case officer wrote: 'the proposed dwelling would be significantly larger than the existing dwelling' while 'the light impact from the additional glazing to the dwelling and boathouse proposed, as well as the domestication of the landscape, through additions such as the swimming pool, and elongated terrace would have an adverse impact on the special character of the Undeveloped Coast, and fails to preserve and enhance the setting of the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.'