Dennings, Wallingford Road

The Society primarily objected to this application on the grounds that changes already implemented to the development landscape had increased the flood risk to Kingsbridge town centre from uncontrolled surface water runoff. In our opinion it would be irresponsible for the District Council to ignore the consequences of these changes and fail to consider the long term implications of further development on this critical drainage area.
However, in recommending approval, the case officer disagreed. As far as she was concerned, now that a new SWW sewer had been installed, drainage was no longer a consideration.
However, others disagreed, and Cllr O’Callaghan took the application to the Development Management Committee 'due to the high level of concern about the proposals and to enable a debate around the drainage concerns.'
At Committee members shared those concerns, but were also concerned about the mix of housing being proposed for the site (a report of their deliberations can be found soon page 4 of our January 2023 Newsletter), and voted to refuse the application, using the proposed housing mix as their justification.
Perhaps inevitably the applicant appealed and the Inspector found in his favour.