Wesley House, Harberton

Wesley House, Harberton

Householder application for erection of first floor extension over existing sun room and garage
Wesley House with St Clement’s Terrace in the background

A number of villages in the South Devon AONB have seen extensive areas of new development in the fields that used to surround them. Fortunately Harberton has managed, to a greater extent, to retain its charm thanks to most of the village being given conservation area protection.

Wesley House is recorded at the DCC Heritage Gateway and is one of a group of local heritage records in the immediate location, the others being St Andrews Cottage’s, St Clements Terrace’s and Town Farm, while on the opposite side of the road is the Grade II Listed Building Preston Farmhouse.

The proposed erection of a first floor extension over the existing sun room and garage would, we felt, be alien to the local character of the neighbouring local heritage buildings and that of the village, and therefore would not not meet the requirements of DEV21. The proposal also failed to conform to the requirements for extensions in the JLP Supplementary Planning Guidance.