Pool Farm, Frogmore

Pool Farm, Frogmore

Erection of a single storey rural worker's dwelling
The site of the proposed single storey rural worker's dwelling

As we highlighted in our objection, three previous planning permissions had made it abundantly clear that Pool Farm is a farm in name only. In reality, it is a planning conditioned boatyard.

In addition the Design and Access Statement accompanying this application claimed a rural workers dwelling was required because of farming operations that are themselves being undertaken in breach of previous planning application planning conditions. It was therefore impossible, we argued, to see how the local planning authority could approve a development being supported by evidence of failure to comply with a planning condition.

It was also a fact that the proposal was sited in a very prominent location and would be harmful to the undeveloped coast and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The case officer agreed with our assessment, stating: 'The case for the introduction of a further permanent dwelling tied to the farm and boatyard businesses in this location is not justified by exceptional or appropriate circumstances and represents an unsympathetic and unsustainable intrusion in a countryside location which is not supported by the submitted evidence', and recommended refusal.

However the local ward councillor asked the Development Management Committee to determine the application, saying: 'as a professional farmer I do not accept some of the reasons cited by our Agricultural expert. I also have always believed that each application is should be judged on its own merits and the muddying of the waters by quoting the permissions given for the Boatyard, which is a separate entity, should not work against this application.'

The DMC approved the application.