The Nutshell, Galmpton

The Nutshell, Galmpton

Erection of 2 bedroom dwelling and access
The proposed site is to the left of the telephone pole above the road junction

We were not alone in objecting to this application. The Parish Council also make the point that:

This is a rear garden development that would radically alter the character and approach to the village in the heart of the AONB. The scale and character of the proposals for a two- storey property next to a row of bungalows and Townsend, a listed property, is completely out of keeping and is at odds with all in the village. The proposed development would give rise to unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the area and it would fail to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the AONB.


There are extremely strong concerns that the access, sited at the entrance to Galmpton, is dangerous as it is a particularly steep driveway with poor splay. Creation of the access relies on destroying a Devon bank and there is the potential for the road to become a racetrack. The splay is insufficient and would require users of the driveway to nudge out potentially into the path of other vehicles travelling at speed.

The case officer agreed and recommended refusal, noting:

The proposal would conflict with the Council’s spatial development strategy for residential development by providing new development in an unsustainable location, divorced from the nearest sustainable settlement and if allowed would undermine the spatial strategy set out within the JLP. The location is not sustainable, has poor access to local services and amenities and due to poor connectivity would result in over reliance on the private motor car.