Land at SX 690 402, Galmpton

Land at SX 690 402, Galmpton

Replacement agricultural barn (part retrospective) resubmission of 0882/21/FUL
The original 'agricultural barn'

In refusing this part retrospective application for a replacement agricultural barn the case officer gave three reasons, namely the building would be located in flood zone 3, there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate the building responded to a proven agricultural need, and the impact of the development on both the landscape and the AONB.

The site was located on the southern part of land to the south of Park House and Elmfields, within the village of Galmpton, while the proposed location of the building was to the north of a stream within Flood zone 3, the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and the Undeveloped and Heritage Coast.

The surrounding land is agricultural to the south and east and west.

No more than seven days after the application was refused, the applicant appealed.

Unfortunately the Society only became aware of the original application 0882/21/FUL on 11 May, 2021, two days before all comments were supposedly meant to be received. As a result we were unable to submit an objection. Nor were we able to do so when the application was resubmitted. However, after that application was refused and appealed we did submit a letter of representation to the Planning Inspector.

The appeal has since been dismissed.