Land at SX 680 402, east of Thornlea View, Hope Cove

As we pointed out in our objection, the proposed site was located outside the development boundary of Outer Hope Cove and within the National Designation of the South Devon AONB, the Natural England designation of the Heritage Coast and the Joint Local Plan designation of the Undeveloped Coast.
The site was also highly visible when travelling along the Inner Hope to Outer Hope road and would effectively merge the view of the built landscape of Outer Hope with that of the Galmpton hamlet.
Referring in his report to 'a detailed objection from the South Hams Society' having been received, the case officer recommended refusal, noting that the 'development that would not contribute to meeting local market housing needs or redressing existing imbalances in housing stock' and represented 'new development in the countryside, in a poorly connected location outside of the defined settlement boundary, and is without adequate justification, contrary to the adopted spatial strategy of an up-to-date development plan'.
On 31 May 2023 the application was refused. Almost a year later, on 10 April 2004, an appeal began. On 16 October 2024 the Inspector delivered her decision. She concluded:
the proposal would cause significant harm to the character and appearance of the area and the National Landscape and moderate harm to the Undeveloped and Heritage Coast.
She also agreed that the development would not meet local housing market needs and that 'the amount of market housing proposed exceeds the amount necessary to make the scheme viable and to deliver the affordable homes.'
For these and other reasons the appeal was dismissed.