Land at Fairhaven, Sandhills Road

Land at Fairhaven, Sandhills Road

Outline application with all matters reserved for erection of single dwelling
The proposed site is immediately behind the trees

Three previous applications to develop this site had all been refused, essentially for the same reasons, namely: 'The proposed dwelling would be harmful to the appearance and character of the area which is situated within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and would increase the density of development contrary to the provisions of the Local Plan.'

We also noted that various TPO’s were extant across the site and that Woodland Order W1 of TPO 681 lay upon the development area, while the Council's Tree Officer had objected to the previous applications. In addition the latest proposal suggested a hedge should be removed, which we argued would result in unacceptable degradation of the woodland landscape and effectively compromises the integrity, purpose and function of the area TPO.

Perhaps unsurprisingly the application was refused for primarily the same reasons as before. However the applicant appealed the decision and the Society submitted a further letter of representation to the Inspector.

In refusing the appeal the Inspector noted: 'From my site visit, I find that the trees and planting on and around the site make a significant positive contribution to the visual amenity and character of the area from both close and long-distance viewpoints due to their prominent position on the hillside contributing to a wider wooded vista', adding 'I find that a building on this site, even if this were of high-quality design, would harmfully impinge on the overall character of the area by introducing additional built form in closer proximity to surrounding development within this low-density area, together with impacts on existing mature trees and planting. Consequently, the proposal would erode the sense of openness and character of this wooded hillside which I find contributes to the natural beauty of this part of the AONB.'