Gara Rock Hotel, East Portlemouth

The Society initially objected when the application was for the erection of five additional holiday units together with additional landscaping, the reconfiguration of parking and associated works. We then subsequently submitted a second letter of representation after the application had been revised, reducing the number of additional units from five to three and alterations to the proposed landscaping, again repeated our concerns about the spread of the site to both west and east of the hotel and the loss of car park landscaping.
Quoting extensively from the planning history of the site we pointed out there was clear recorded evidence of the importance of keeping the any building within the confines of the old building to prevent extending harm to the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The removal of two of the car park partition landscape stone walls, combined with an increase in the number of cars parked, would also make the car parking more prominent in the landscape.
As the case officer noted in his report: 'Residents, East Portlemouth Parish Council, South Hams Society and, initially, the Council’s Landscape Officer have objected to the proposal due to the potentially adverse impact on the UCHC and AONB designated landscape.'
The decision notice confirming refusal of the application was also concerned that: 'The proposed development would result in additional tourism accommodation in a remote and unsustainable rural location, accessed via the rural road network and reliant on private car use given the apparent lack of options to reach the site via sustainable or active modes of travel. Furthermore no justification has been provided to demonstrate a need for the accommodation in this remote coastal location within the Undeveloped Coast or explain why such a need cannot be met in a more sustainable location and no Sustainable Travel Plan has been supplied.'