Cove Guest House, Torcross

As we note in our submission, each of the current applications are based on planning application 53/2267/15/F, varied by permission 1164/17/VAR, both of which had subsequently lapsed. This latest Section 73 application attempts to address the Planning Inspector’s refusal of two appeals, but in its design fails to acknowledge the requirements of JLPSPD DEV32.1 – to minimise the use of natural resources in the development over its lifetime, and continues to ignore its impact on the character and appearance of the area, with particular regard to the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and the Undeveloped Coast.
However in his report the case officer disagreed, stating: ‘I conclude that although the development conflicts with a number of adopted policies its accordance with DEV20 and the weight given to material considerations is sufficient to outweigh any policy contraventions and I therefore recommend approval of the application.’
As a result, the Ward Member referred to application to the Development Management Committee. There members concluded the extent of the glazing now being proposed to the dwelling was likely to result in an unacceptable level of light spill, which would have a harmful impact on the dark skies character of the surrounding landscape and would fail to conserve and enhance the scenic beauty and tranquillity of the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Undeveloped Coast.
In addition, the proposed design by virtue of the level of glazing failed to have regard to the local pattern of development and did not represent good design.
The application was refused.