The Boathouse, Embankment Road

As we pointed out in our objection, what was currently a modest balcony on the west side of this small building, some 5 metres wide and protruding out 2.5 metres, looking out over the Estuary would grow, were this application to be approved, to a width of 7.4 metres and extending out to between 4.8 metres and 6.5 metres to the edge of the Quay.
Such an increase in mass would create unacceptable harm to the surrounding estuary public views from West Alvington footpath No 15, the Kingsbridge Quay and public slipway, Kingsbridge footpath number 15 and would be detrimental to Kingsbridge Footpath No. 15 alongside the Boat House, casting the path into shade.
A separate balcony on the south side of the building, we noted, extends for the full length of 16.5 metres.
The proposal, we argued, was contrary to policies contained in the JLP and in particular the SPD with regards to residential extensions and alterations.
Ten days after we submitted our objection the application was withdrawn.