Bar Lodge, Sharpitor

Amongst the reasons we gave for objecting to this application was that along the lane, outside the site and in the National Trust land ownership area, an open bin storage area has been created. This can only be described as a visual eyesore. It is also a health hazard. Two of the bins were visibly damaged and, while we were there, we witnessed vermin scrambling out of one of the bins.
We also quoted from the Supplementary Planning Document, which states:
Extensions that project forward of the existing house will generally be resisted.
In our opinion the South West Coast Path elevations projecting forward towards the lane are visually damaging when approaching the site. As a result it will be difficult to assimilate the old and new aspects of the building.
We also noted that the plans show an oil tank positioned a mere one metre from a window and door entrance, noticeably less than the 1.8 metre minimum needed to conform to fire regulations.
In response, and in recommending approval, the Case Officer commented:
the scheme as proposed will not worsen or take away the opportunity for bins to be stored on the site and this is already an existing situation which also involves neighbouring dwellings outside the remit of this application. Consequently, the current issue with bin location does not constitute a material planning consideration within this application.
So it would seem the health hazard is to be permitted to remain.
He went on to add that the position of the oil tank was an issue to be dealt with by building control, while he did not accept the extension extending forward from the existing property would have an adverse impact.