Agricultural Building at SX 766 533, Moreleigh

It seems to be open season for people wanting to build barns in this previously unspoilt part of the South Hams countryside. Earlier this year the Society objected to a retrospective application to permit the change of use of the existing building in the adjacent field to permit it to house horses. Consent for that had originally only been given on the basis it was required purely for agricultural purposes. Our objection to that application can be read here.
Now the owner of the neighbouring field also wishes to construct a 'general purpose agricultural building' on his 7.5 acres, even though his agent states he also owns a further 44 acres elsewhere in the neighbourhood. The need for the building is justified on the basis that somewhere is required to store machinery, fodder and bedding. Given that is the case, in our objection we suggest it would be more logical were the building to be constructed on the larger plot of land, and question why that option has not been considered.
This barn would be yet another visually prominent building in this historic landscape setting. Consequently, unless a genuine agricultural need for a development in this location can be clearly demonstrated, the application should be refused.
The application has since been withdrawn.