101 Yealm Road, Newton Ferrers

101 Yealm Road, Newton Ferrers

Readvertisement: (amended plans & supporting documents) Demolition of 2 two-storey detached buildings and associated garage. Erection of 2no. four bed family homes and extension of an existing quay to the east ofthe site to provide a new landing ramp for dwelling 2
101 Yealm Road is the white property on the foreshore

Noting that objections had been made by the South Devon AONB unit and by the local planning authority’s specialist Landscape Officer, while the Parish Council had also pointed out the conflicts with the Neighbourhood Plan, we felt it unnecessary in our initial objection to repeat any planning policy detail to the Case Officer.

Instead we felt the application should more correctly be described as part retrospective, adding that in our opinion roofing materials had been intentionally removed from the property so that business rates would no longer need to paid, and as the building had become derelict by design any use of this as justification for demolition should not be entertained by the LPA.

Revised plans were then submitted by the applicant but, and as we noted in our second submission, the height of the proposed dwellings would be 13 metres, almost twice the height of the buildings the applicant wished to replace, and would obstruct the public views from Yealm Road.

Recommending refusal, the case officer wrote: 'The proposed development by reason of its scale, mass, height, architectural composition and materials palette fails to have regard to the local pattern of development and results in an incongruous addition which fails to conserve and enhance the landscape and scenic beauty of this part of the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.'

We can only agree.