Our Objections
Application Reference:
0851/22/FULLand at Yalton, East Portlemouth, TQ8 8PA
Provision of Salcombe yawl landing stage into the Salcombe estuary with provision of WC
Parish: East Portlemouth; Content tags: Planning, AONB, SSSI, Undeveloped Coast
Application Reference:
4151/21/FULSouth Efford House, Aveton Gifford, TQ7 4NX
Proposed demolition of existing C2 care home and replacement of 6 C3 Residential Dwellings
Parish: Aveton Gifford; Content tags: Planning, AONB, SSSI
Application Reference:
3808/21/AGRLand at Butterford SX 719 548, North Huish, TQ9 7NL
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed agricultural storage building
Parish: North Huish; Content tags: Planning, AONB
Application Reference:
4683/21/FULHarbour Watch, East Portlemouth, TQ8 8PU
Demolition of existing house and garage. Replacement detached dwelling, outside pool, gazebo and associated landscaping
Parish: East Portlemouth; Content tags: Planning, Trees, AONB, SSSI, Undeveloped Coast
Application Reference:
4601/21/FULThe Nutshell, Galmpton, TQ7 3EU
Erection of 2 bedroom dwelling and access
Parish: South Huish; Content tags: Planning, AONB
Application Reference:
3122/21/VARLand at Garden Mill, Derby Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1JJ
Application for variation of condition 7 of outline application 28/1560/15/O (appeal ref: APP/K1128/W/16/3156062) to allow for revised dwelling design and layout and variation of... Read more
Parish: Kingsbridge; Content tags: Planning, Biodiversity, Trees