The High Nature Centre, East Portlemouth

The High Nature Centre, East Portlemouth

Variation of conditions 3, and 5 of planning consent 20/0785/12/F
Structures not appearing on the site plan of application 20/0785/12/F (ANNEX B) and may not have planning approval

In recommending refusal the case officer report was damning. Not only would the proposed variation of conditions alter the nature of the development of the existing permission it would also fail to meet the fundamental requirements of sustainable development and would, by virtue of the introduction of camper vans and tents, and additional catering facilities when viewed cumulatively with other existing activities and structures on the site, result in harm to the South Devon AONB and would fail to conserve and enhance the unique landscape character of the AONB.

Both the Parish Council and the Landscape Officer also objected, however the then Ward Member took the application to the Development Management Committee at the request of Cllr Brazil, who had declared a personal interest in the site.

At the meeting members voted to overturn the Officer Recommendation.