Murrawingi, Moult Road

Murrawingi, Moult Road

Partial demolition of existing rear extension, projecting timber balcony, reconstruction/refit of existing dwelling to include new rear extension, new timber balcony and separate raised parking area
The significant increase in the new built form would threaten the trees that largely screen the existing property

The Society was not alone in being concerned about this application. The Council's Tree Officer objected on arboricultural merit, noting: 'the metric of available space for the TPO would be reduced irrespective of the quality of trees to be removed, leading to a marked and readily appreciable erosion to the visual benefits as currently contributed by the protected trees.'

We shared his reservations, fearing also that what was being proposed would impose a significant increase of new built form on a highly scenic part of the South Devon AONB. We were also concerned about the increased levels of light pollution that would be introduced into this prominent hillside. In addition serious consideration needed to be given to the roof of this proposal. The original design, tilting an expansive roof up into the panoramic vista, was a tragedy to the detriment of the wonderful public views in this location.

This proposal, we concluded, was an example of overdevelopment demonstrating an insensitive disregard for the visual amenity, tranquillity and sense of place of the area, and should be refused.

The application was withdrawn.