Higher Manor, Ringmore

Higher Manor, Ringmore

Householder application for minor amendments to design, layout, materials & the introduction of ancillary accommodation in detached garage building approved under planning consent 1412/19/HHO (Retrospective)
The Redlands Farmhouse Red clay roof tiles: an incongruous and arguably inappropriate visual intrusion

According to the covering letter from the applicant’s architect and agent, this retrospective application ‘seeks minor amendments to the design, layout and materials of the detached garage building approved under Ref: 1412/19/ HHO’.

However the ‘amendments’ to this development on the outskirts of Ringmore were anything but minor.

What was a single story garage had become a two-storey building with living accommodation on the first floor. The total floor area had doubled, the ridge height of the roof noticeably increased. The addition of the three Dormer Windows has radically changed the design of the roof, while the Redlands Farmhouse Red clay roof tiles were an incongruous and arguably inappropriate visual intrusion in to the locality.