Earlier this year the Society objected to proposals to allow commercial fishermen to operate a six-month fixed net fishery to target ‘grey mullet species, with a bycatch of bass, gilthead bream and a few other fish species’ in the Salcombe and Kingsbridge Estuary.
The Consultation has now closed, and B&PSC officers have submitted their report.
The good news is, it recommends no change, and that the prohibition on fixed and drift netting in Salcombe should not be lifted for the following reasons:
• The proposed net fishery in Salcombe is not consistent with the response to the public consultation;
• The proposed net fishery in Salcombe is not consistent with many of the objectives set out in the Fisheries Act 2020;
• The proposed net fishery in Salcombe is not consistent with many of the goals set out in the national Bass Fisheries Management Plan;
• The proposed net fishery in Salcombe is not consistent with the principles of the Bass Nursery Area legislation;
• The proposed net fishery in Salcombe is not consistent with D&S IFCA’s Statutory Duties set out in the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009;
• The proposed net fishery in Salcombe is not consistent with scientific advice;
• The proposed net fishery in Salcombe is not consistent with advice from D&S IFCA’s Officers.
In total the Consultation received no fewer than 360 responses, of which only six were in favour!
The remaining 354 were all against, six of whom were commercial fishermen. Other objectors included the Environment Agency, Natural England, Angling Trust, and University of Plymouth. In all 43 organisations representing statutory bodies, conservation interests and recreational angling interests responded. The remainder were from concerned individuals.
We now await the meeting of the members of the Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority on February 22 who, we hope, will rubber-stamp the officer recommendation.